Propranolol is a commonly prescribed beta blocker medication typically prescribed to treat heart and cardiac conditions. However, Propranolol is also being used off-label by individuals from various professions, including musicians, singers, speakers, sales professionals and even doctors, to manage performance anxiety and stage fright. Propranolol works by blocking the effects of adrenaline, which helps stabilize heart rate and blood pressure. While generally considered safe, there are potential side effects such as dizziness and interactions with other medications. Some individuals claim that propranolol may have ototoxic effects, but this has not been extensively studied. For those seeking a natural alternative to Propranolol, PerformZen Calm Performance Formula is recommended; it’s an all-natural supplement designed to help performers stay calm under pressure.
Full Video Transcript
Narrator (00:00):
Propranolol is a prescription drug. Specifically, it's part of the beta blocker family of drugs or beta adrenergic blocking agents, with propranolol being the most commonly prescribed beta blocker medication in all of America. Propranolol is typically prescribed by doctors to treat various heart conditions like high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and angina if lifestyle adjustments alone aren't proving to do the job.
In this short video, we're going to look at why people from all walks of life, from lawyers to sales professionals to celebrities and career musicians, are using a common heart medication drug to help them deal with their performance anxiety and stage fright issues. If you've ever considered using propranolol to help with anxiety, you don't want to miss this.
Why propranolol? A survey by the International Conference of Symphony Orchestra and Musicians found that 27% of their musicians were using beta blockers like propranolol to help handle their performance anxiety.
And that was over 20 years ago. A much higher percentage of musicians are estimated to use beta blockers today. Propranolol works by blocking the effects of adrenergic hormones like adrenaline on the heart. This helps the body to moderate heart rate and prevent elevated blood pressure. So by blocking adrenaline, propranolol helps people keep their heart rate and blood pressure stable.
The reason that propranolol is so commonly used "off-script", meaning for a purpose other than what it was originally designed for, is that this process of blocking adrenaline is also extremely valuable for anyone facing a high anxiety situation, as adrenaline is the cause of most anxiety and stage fright physical symptoms. Okay, adrenaline isn't the only cause of typical anxiety symptoms. A large part has to be attributed to the body's natural stress response to high stress environments.
But one of the main side effects of this is a flood of adrenaline into the system proving the point. So propranolol is blocking the release of adrenaline into the system, helping people perform on stage or in front of audiences without the typical crippling anxiety, self-doubt, and stage fright that usually block the way.
Is propranolol safe? For the most part, propranolol has been found to be a safe medication by most users, including for long-term use. However, there definitely are some side effects and downsides that come with the prescription beta blocker.
For example, it's common to feel slight dizziness or lightheadedness by those using a course of propranolol due to how the drug lowers blood pressure. Propranolol can also have interactions with other medications and may not be suitable for people who already have low blood pressure or people taking other medicine for high blood pressure.
Some also claim that propranolol is ototoxic, meaning it might have the potential to damage your ears. Ototoxicity impacts the inner ear.
The symptoms are primarily related to hearing and balance and include ringing in ears, often called tinnitus, dizziness, temporary hearing loss in one or both ears, and many more. However, most reports of propranolol being ototoxic are anecdotal and has not been much clinical research into the validity of the claims.
So while propranolol does show efficacy in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety, particularly performance anxiety and stage fright, if any of these side effects or downsides sound inefficient or are deal-breakers for you, then you might want to consider a natural alternative to propranolol to help with your anxiety and stage fright issues. The best alternative that I can think of, probably because it's our own product, is PerformZen Calm Performance Formula.
It's an all-natural supplement, specifically designed to help performers stay calm under pressure, while even giving you a slight mental edge. Many of our customers used propranolol in the past and found PerformZen to be an extremely good natural replacement. If you're interested in finding out more, then check out our website at today. Please leave stories of your experiences with propranolol or any questions you have about propranolol in the comments below.
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