There’s no doubt about it, living with social anxiety makes life more difficult and adds stress to different types of social interactions the average person experiences daily. Social Anxiety can have a severe impact on how we interact with others, and on our overall quality of life.
This consistent stress and a sharp increase of people experiencing social anxiety symptoms following spending so much time spent at home during the peak of COVID lock-downs in many countries is likely why we’ve been asked by several customers and interested parties recently: Does PerformZen Work For (“help with”) Social Anxiety?
If your social anxiety seems to be forcing you to put up your defenses, and keeps you from living the life that you want to live, then we are going to delve into what exactly social anxiety is in this article and tell you whether PerformZen can help with your social anxiety symptoms.
Huge spoiler: PerformZen absolutely can help with your Social Anxiety symptoms, and many of our customers use PerformZen regularly to help with their own social anxiety difficulties — we just want to delve a bit deeper into the topic of social anxiety and provide some context to help you understand how exactly PerformZen works to help you get rid of social anxiety.
We’re also going to look at some alternative solutions & remedies for social anxiety, in case you are not yet ready to give PerformZen a try.
whether PerformZen works for social anxiety Key Takeaways
Without completely spoiling the rest of this article, here are the most interesting & useful takeways about whether PerformZen works for social anxiety:
- Social Anxiety is a natural process caused by a fight-or-flight response that is hardwired into our bodies through evolution. We can overcome social anxiety through courageous exposure to more social situations, using simple techniques like focusing on other people and talking to one individual at a time, and through using natural relaxing agents like l-theanine found in green tea and PerformZen.
- Yes, PerformZen can help with social anxiety symptoms, almost as effectively as it helps with performance anxiety and stage fright!
Psychologist & Author Jordan Peterson lecturing about overcoming social anxiety.
The now-popular Canadian clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Jordan Peterson, described a party as a “monster” for someone who experiences social anxiety in his book, 12 Rules for Life.
Perhaps you can relate (very well?) to that idea. Maybe you’ve had an experience when you were walking into a party or gathering, and you immediately felt out of place, awkward, and nervous. You may have felt like you were being judged, or that you really didn’t belong there. Being in that party made you feel insecure.
For people with social anxiety, this can be a severely stressful situation. And when you’re under stress, your body responds by releasing certain chemicals & hormones and, in many cases, switching to a fight-or-flight mode.
Is Performance Anxiety Ruining Your Life?
PerformZen is an all-natural supplement designed to help you overcome stage fright and performance anxiety so you can perform at your best on demand!
Fight-or-flight Response
Our bodies respond to perceived stressful situations by activating a ‘fight-or-flight’ response, which you can think of as a form of ‘survival mode’ [1].
In the fight-or-flight state of mind, your body is flooded with the adrenaline hormone (epinephrine), causing the heart to pump blood with greater force. As a result, you typically experience anxiety symptoms such as:
- Dry mouth
- Shaking and trembling
- Excessive sweating
- General feelings of dread
The reason we switch to survival mode under stress is that our ancestors often faced real physical danger, such as running into a lion or predatory animal in the jungle or out on the Savannah. They naturally developed (through evolution, it is commonly agreed) the instincts to either fight or flee in order to survive.
Although we no longer live in conditions of mortal danger (in general), we are still hardwired to respond the same way when we perceive threats. So when it comes to how our body responds to either a panther staring at us pondering whether we should be its next meal, or walking into a room of 10 unknown yet likely non-dangerous humans at a party — the response is nearly exactly the same!
Unfortunately, we are hardwired to view many ultimately harmless situations as threats as if they were potentially life-threatening. If you suffer from social anxiety, then that ‘threat’ could be humiliation, rejection, or loss of reputation.
If you are feeling anxious and insecure, then your negative thoughts likely have an effect on your posture, and what you non-verbally communicate to those around you.
If you’re nervous at a party or a social gathering, you might be having some of the following thoughts:
- “I’m awkward”
- “I hate being here”
- “What are people thinking of me?”
- “Am I looking foolish?”
- “Nobody wants to talk to me”
If you are having and processing these thoughts, then you will unconsciously have a withdrawn and hunched-over posture. There is substantial evidence to suggest that your posture can affect your mood negatively [2].
This is where a loop begins to form where you end up feeling even more insecure. People around you sense that you are not open to communication, and they avoid you (the inverse of this is generally true as well – humans gravitate towards those displaying more open & social cues). The common result of this is you taking others lack of interest as further evidence that they are unwilling to talk to you, and the anxiety-producing cycle continues.
But how do you overcome this negative cycle and let yourself open up to others? Here are a few things that you can do to overcome social anxiety relatively quickly.
Before we explore some of the steps that you can take, we should mention that if you are someone who suffers from severe social anxiety to the point where you find it difficult to even introduce yourself to strangers, then you should seek help from a clinical therapist for behavioral therapy.
They will identify the root causes of your anxiety and work with you to help you become more confident in social situations.
But if your social anxiety is not at the point where it’s debilitating, but nonetheless holding you back in life and social situations, then you can try the following tips.
1. Push Your Focus Outwards
It may seem to be deceptively simple, but focusing on others can work as a powerful tool against social anxiety.
In one of his student lectures, clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson points out that “looking at others takes the focus off of yourself” [3]. The theory behind this is straightforward; when you stop thinking about yourself, you may also stop worrying about what everyone else is thinking of you.
This is a simple way to cause a perspective shift, and you might come to realize that most of the time, people aren’t really thinking of you all that much. They are usually thinking of themselves. And if you can be genuinely interested in them, and what they have to say, you might become the most interesting person they speak to all night.
To learn more about how to become an expert communicator, give Dale Carnegie’s famous book How to Win Friends and Influence People” a read.
Talk to one person at a time
One thing you can do to focus on others next time you’re at a party or social gathering is to talk to one person at a time.
No matter how much of an introvert you are, you can probably communicate quite well with a solitary individual. If you look at a party or social gathering as a big collection of fifty people, you might find that overwhelming. But if you pick one person at a time, and only talk to them (even if there are others around), you might find it easier to communicate, which will end up easing your anxiety.
A lot of social anxiety stems from the lack of adequate connection with those around you. If you really look and pay attention to the person you are speaking to and focus completely on them, you will develop that connection.
Jordan Peterson, in the same lecture mentioned previously, explains that there is evidence that suggests those who are aware of their limitations, but work to overcome those challenges, benefit in various ways.
If you suffer from social anxiety and find it hard to attend social events, you’re already somewhat aware of your limitations.
One way to make attending events easier is using techniques like the Stoic fear-setting method made famous by Tim Ferriss, where you would list all of the possible negative outcomes of attending a party.
Once you are aware of the worst possible outcomes, then you make the decision to move forward into the uncertainty and attend as many parties as possible.
The biggest benefit is not necessarily that you get better at being social, although that is definitely likely to happen. The greater benefit is that it will shift your perception of the type of person that you are.
You will come to see yourself as someone who identifies challenges, and then takes action to overcome those challenges.
It will raise your self-esteem and give you a real reason to feel better about yourself. Instead of the negative social anxiety cycle, now you are initiating a positive cycle.
If you feel better about yourself, your vibe will be different and you will start noticing that people respond to you differently.
The positive feedback will further raise your perception of yourself. This is the slow-burn method to getting rid of social anxiety. No tricks; just facing your fear over and over until your brain is re-wired and you no longer look at social situations in the same way. While the other methods listed here have helped customers, this ‘block & tackle’ approach of increasing your exposure to social situations is necessary to overcome social anxiety once-and-for-all!
In addition to focusing on others and attending more parties & social gatherings, you can also give yourself an added mental boost by drinking tea, or taking a natural supplements like PerformZen before your next social gathering in order to reduce social anxiety symptoms.
By consuming ingredients that naturally put you in a more relaxed state, you might be able to reduce the stress of being at a party or social gathering.
Green tea
Green tea, along with black tea, matcha green tea and oolong tea, contains an amino acid known as L-theanine [4], which has been shown in studies to promote calmness [5].
L-theanine is responsible for the soothing effects of green tea after a long day at the office. Drink one or two cups of tea before attending a social event to see if it has a relaxing effect which allows you to communicate more freely without strong social anxiety symptoms.
The short answer is Yes, PerformZen can help with social anxiety symptoms!
PerformZen Calm Performance Formula is an all-natural supplement designed to help you stay calm under pressure – whether that’s getting up on stage to perform in front of an audience, or enter a room full of strangers at a social event and carry yourself with confidence and a calm, focused mind.
PerformZen works by boosting the neurotransmitter GABA in your brain. GABA works by inhibiting brain signals to reduce nervous system activity. Being deficient in GABA has been linked with a higher risk of anxiety [6].
GABA supplements are particularly helpful for those who experience social anxiety, like before performing in front of an audience, or attending a social event full of strangers.
PerformZen also contains other ingredients that boost cognitive performance so you can keep nervousness at bay and focus on your social situation:
- Magnesium – Magnesium is a natural relaxant, and helps with absorption of GABA in your body [7].
- Vitamin B6 – Magnesium and Vitamin B6 work together to improve mental focus and cognitive performance. B6 also promotes GABA synthesis in the body [8].
- Theacrine – When you’re about to enter a social situation, Theacrine will boost your energy levels, similar to caffeine but without the jittery ups and downs [9].
- Ginkgo Biloba – Ginkgo Biloba will keep your fight-or-flight response under control and prevents the symptoms of social anxiety [10].
Perform Better Under Pressure. Every Time.
Sometimes the stakes are high and we have to perform at our best despite performance anxiety! PerformZen was created for you; the high-level performer who needs to stay focused & creative while delivering the best performance of your life, without the crippling anxiety & nerves. All-natural with none of the side-effects of prescription beta blockers. Get PerformZen and perform at your best today:
It is absolutely possible to reduce your social anxiety symptoms temporarily, and no the answer is not getting intoxicated with alcohol (most of the time, alcohol has actually been shown to increase anxiety symptoms, over time [11]).
By using simple thought-experiments/techniques like focusing on others, speaking to one person at a time during social gatherings, using natural relaxants like matcha, black or oolong tea and even using PerformZen – you can absolutely reduce your social anxiety symptoms for specific occasions.
Ultimately though, for mild-to-moderate social anxiety symptoms, the answer to overcoming it is increased exposure to social situations and becoming more comfortable around others. But this takes time, concentrated effort and discipline; which is (arguably) why it’s so valuable!
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